Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Merzbow and beginner's mind?

The noise artist Merzbow is coming to play Wellington.
Here's the facebook event:

I'm in a funny situation here, and I'm sure I'm not the only person to experience this. I'm both keen to go to this gig and anxious about going to this gig.
See, it's not my thing. But I feel it should be a thing I don't just laugh politely about. There's something I'm not getting here and I want to get it.

I've got many thoughts about comfort zones, and the challenge of stepping out of them, that I'll address in future blog posts. I listen quite a bit to music that sounds like noise (in places), or music that's sample based, or music that sounds very unlike the sounds that I grew up with. 
... there's a bleed between the genres here. Within so-called 'classical' music, you get amazing noisefests: dissonance, demented rhythms, sound stacked on sound. Sometimes it really does just become noise in parts - and that's great. Then you get the 60s minimalists with their meditative tape loops and Drag-like scoring, or the epic noisy  pointillism of Stockhausen's electronic works. 

I like bands that do band things while playing with noise - Big Black is a good example. And I like noisy soundscapes - got a Sleep Chamber CD right by my computer for instance.

I'm still warming up to Merzbow. He's put out a lot of stuff. A LOT. So, hoping to listen through it and find a way into it.
Below is some sonic blistery gaussian stuff applied to some nice elusive melodic elements. Which makes more 'sense' to me, coming from where I'm coming from. An entry point maybe:

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